Improving Bestow’s Paperless Document Experience
Project Summary
Bestow is a life insurance company that allows customers to get term coverage online without a medical exam.
“I was kind of surprised that I didn’t get any hard document in the mail.”
One of the biggest detractor reasons in Bestow’s customer experience follow up surveys is that customers doesn’t know where to find their policy documents. They also frequently respond to support requests of customers looking for their policy documents.
We needed to improve our customer’s awareness of Bestow’s paperless documents approach and help customers more easily find their policy documents in the Customer Portal.
The main goal of this effort was to reduce the number of CX calls and help customers more easily find their policy documents.
My Role: Lead Product Designer
Project Duration: 4 weeks
Team: Design Manager, Product Manager, Head of Customer Experience (CX), Customer Care Team Lead, Engineering Manager, Frontend Software Engineer II, Backend Staff Software Engineer, Chief Insurance Officer, Chief Compliance Officer, Senior Copywriter, Head of Product
Production painpoints
“This causes significant customer friction and NPS issues.”
After customers purchase a policy, the current flow doesn’t clearly indicate that policy documents are electronic and can be found on the Dashboard in customer portal. Causing Bestow’s CX team to continually receive negative feedback about customers not receiving their policy documents in the mail.
Here is the current flow and some pain points customers encounter along the way.
Checkout - After finishing their online application, users sign and pay for their policy.
Accept Policy Docs - Upon purchase, their documents begin to generate. User are required to click the “accept documents” button.
PAIN POINT: Because Bestow applications are sold online, customers are required to acknowledge they are accepting their documents electronically. This is not easily understood. If they leave the flow, the CX team is required to manually print and mail the policy documents to the customer.
Transition to Customer Portal - Customer are transitioned from the Application to the Customer Portal. These are separate systems.
Policy Overview - Users land on the overview page on Customer Portal.
PAIN POINT: It’s not clear where a user’s policy documents are located or which documents are a part of their policy.
Research with the cx team
The documents associated with a single term policy actually consist of several documents. This can also be confusing for users. The CX team is constantly receiving calls from customer asking “Which of these is my policy documents? The answer is all of them.
Policy documents could only be download individually or in a zip file in alphabetical order by title. This required the team to open docs in a particular order for printing.
One CX member had the idea the following ideas:
Improving the “download all” feature of policy documents by placing a number in front of each document so they’ll be in order and ready for streamlined printing….better yet, generating 1 PDF with all policy documents in order so they only have to click print once when printing and mailing files.
Additionally, Bestow had recently partnered with Lemonade to produce a Lemonade Life product. Lemonade requested we generate a single PDF that included all the policy documents for their customers. With the request from Lemonade that work was prioritized and slotted for develop around the same time this work was in motion. Our team would be able to utilize the single PDF generation feature for our own Bestow customers.
Design process
Kicking off the design process, there were 3 users with jobs to be done to keep in mind:
Brand new customers
Many policyholders see their physical policy documents as proof of their policy. New Bestow need to understand documents are electronic and feel confident they always have access.
Existing customers
Existing customers need a way to quickly locate their policy documents when they login to check on their policy.
CX members
Our customer care team members need a way to quickly print and send physical policies to customers who don’t click “Accept policy documents”.
Early ideas included removing the documents list from the Policy Overview page and creating a new tab on the dashboard dedicated to documents. A “quick win” with low implementation effort could be a toast alert on the overview page that alerted all users (new and exciting) of the new documents tab and a link to take them there. Ultimately, this didn’t bring enough attention or add enough value and the concept of moving the accept documents modal into customer portal was born.
Moving the “Accept Documents” button into CP
After their purchase, customer would immediately be taken into Customer portal where the “Accept documents” modal would greet them. During the transitioning, their official policy documents are generating on the backend. Once accepting their documents users would land on the new documents tab where they could download their Policy Packet (or the new single PDF with all their documents in the correct order)
Making Improvements
Once the modal was moved into customer portal, it was clear that it needed improvement. The modal needed to more clearly indicate their electronic policy documents. This also gave us the opportunity to educate customers on what other feature are available in their dashboard. The improvements enhanced the overall Customer Portal greeting and acted a warm, welcoming hello to new customers.
Welcome to the Dashboard.
Instead of pushing customer straight to the new document’s tab, I wanted to ensure new customers got their bearings on the dashboard overview tab first.
The alert banner on the overview tab would alert users when their documents were generating and when they were done. The CTA on the banner would direct users to the new documents tab where they could utilize the new single PDF function to download all their policy documents at once. Additionally, the banner could easily be repurposed for future customer portal efforts.
Our Chief of Insurance was dead set on continuing to allow customers to download individual pages. In certain use cases, a customer may need a single document (such as the Policy Schedule for a business loan) But the random delineation of document sections caused user quite a bit of confusion and made certain policy document appears less significant than other.
After a few round of iterations, the decision was made to combine the list into a single “Policy Document” table.
More iterations. More personality.
In an effort to prevent customer confusing, the document table was also condensed to hide all the documents inside. A new link, “What’s inside?” was added below the single PDF download button that when clicked would open to reveal the individual policy documents.
Developer Handoff
As part of the handoff process, I created a design spec for PMs, developers and stakeholders.